Friday, June 4, 2010

Gotta Love

What a way to look up stuff, especially if you're out of the loop. Although be prepared, its usually offensive

Short Timer:
That bastard co-worker who found a better job and no longer gives a shit about shit.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What's with people these days?

My curiosity was struck but some recent events, really truly wondering what is up with people? Honestly, does no one give a shit about anyone anymore?(Obviously not EVERYONE falls under this but) So being the dork I am I googled it haha.. found this interesting and disturbing

Mental Health Minute: Got Empathy? If You're Under 30, Researchers Say the Answer May Be No

Weird news from researchers who seem to have taken a pot shot at Generation Y. According to their findings, college students today--shockingly--display little empathy toward others. Let's debate this one ...

Got empathy?

It's one of those characteristics I, for one, always look for in new friends. Signs that a pal doesn't have it:

*Blank stares when you share something deep and personal.

*Awkward silences and uncomfortable moments when you veer into emotional territory.

*The inability to sympathize with you when you're going through something major in your life.

Sounds like a bad friend, right? Well, according to experts, it's something that many in our generation (Y)--defined as early 30s and under--are lacking. A team of researchers from the University of Michigan reviewed data from 72 studies from 1979 to 2009 and found that young people today scored a 40 percent lower score on a measure of empathy than those older than them did.

Of course, technology gets blamed here, and for good reason: Facebook, Twitter (speaking of which, come on over and follow me, pretty please!) , texting, and email have made us less connected on a personal, human level.

Still, I find it hard to believe that technology is creating robots. Maybe the younger generation just lacks the tools to communicate about emotions and feelings the way our elders do?
